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Bell. It wants not, Madam; my Passion made me too Credulous. Sir Toby. Your Pardon, Madam; I meant to not offend. Sir Toby. My little Son of Love turn into a Daughter. L. Dor. For my half, Madam, I ever discovered an invincible inclination to Love you. Plac. As I dwell, Madam, your little Spark in Petticoats. Phil. to Lucin. You have acquitted these Prisoners, Madam, when is my Sentence to come back, and the way long should I languish in your Mercy. Even in case you have a powerful opinion about this challenge, you have to admit that most of the first spokespeople in the debate – even in your side – have been throwing rhetorical hand grenades, if not nuclear weapons. Lucin. Before I signal to this common Reconciliation, I must have a Publick clearing of some passages final evening. Lucin. Well Gentlemen, have you name’d to thoughts what brought you hither last Night. Vaun. Well introduced of Dear Aery, beged; thou’rt an Angel Geddem me! Sir J. Aery, to Lucinda. Sir J. Aery. O Law! Placket brings in Aery and Vaunter. Sir J. Aery. I’ll warrant you; if we have not Memory, we don’t have anything.

Black swan Phil. The most Prepostrerous Abuse in Marriage is, when upon Agreement of Friends, two that know nothing of 1-another’s minds, are to lye together at first struggle; this, as to the World, is coming collectively Honourably: A Woman that is sold for all her Life lengthy, is a Wife; and she that is sold but for a Quarter of an Hour, is a Whore. Many have tried to sound the alarm: the Kyoto Protocol, which went into effect in 2005. “An Inconvenient Truth,” in 2006. The 2015 Paris Agreement. And this now could be the reality, Geddemme, as I hope to be sav’d. Vann. Ay, beged, that is the truth, the entire Truth, and nothing however the reality. I hope Madam this unlucky Accident has occasion’d no breach between your Ladyship and Bellamour; Geddemm’e Bellamour, thou hast no Reason, for as I hope to be sav’d, there has nothing previous between us, but a couple of Smiles or so-Geddemme if I ever meant to make any thing on’t.

L. Dor. Not but there are a lot of whom nothing can entice or Provoke from their Duty. Lucin. A Chandler’s Shop; there shouldn’t be a Woman in the House under Fourscore. Lucin. When you examine strictly into the miscarriages of most Wives, one can find ’em grounded upon the neglect of their Husbands, and the Ill Usage they obtain, greater than their very own Inclinations to Evil. Ang. Call it not a enterprise; our Inclinations have been so attempt’d and prov’d, that there seems to be no hazard. In 2016, the French federal authorities estimated that there have been around 30,000 prostitutes within the country, and 93% of them have been international. What shall I say now; I don’t mean Sir, Geddemm’e the next Door, where your Virtuous Kinswoman lives, but t’ other next Door, where you don’t have any Relations; there are two subsequent Doors. Phil. Next Door, Sir, I’ve a Relation lives there, a very Virtuous Lady, have a care what you say. Phil. What proofs would you may have extra of his inconstancy? L. Dor. Resentment has made extra Cuckolds than Inconstancy: Women are naturally Fond and Faithful; however they’re Revengeful, and of all Provocations, Neglect is the greatest. When we’re injur’d, we’re now not our selves; Disdain and Resentment Oppress our Virtue, and in that second, a slight Temptation shall prevail with those who had before refilled the strongest.

Bell. That reproach is a remembrance to me, that I’m to beg Pardon of all this Company, whom I need to overlook what has previous, and to look on me, not as an Enemy. Lucin. That is all we had a mind to know; Gentlemen, you’re Pris’ners no longer. Lucin. Now your Breeches are off, I could need a share in your Friendship, I hope, with out making anybody Jealous. Lucin. It had been regardless of, if all Mankind have been blind, they are such Malicious observers; your wicked Consequences scarce permit poor Women the usage of their Eyes; and we hardly dare open them for worry of some forc’t unwell-natur’d Interpretation. Sir Toby. Silence provides consent; and that fairly sly gloat with the Eyes; Oons, if Women had no Eyes, we should never know when to consider ’em. Sir Toby. I hope so too Adzooks; but ’tis still a enterprise, for ’tis well known, that Women are unusual changeable things. You should also determine on a safeword or sign that both of you should use if issues are getting too intense or you merely need a breather.